Jackson has been “surfing” for several months now but this is the first time he actually stood up on the board by himself. Granted, we weren’t riding a wave but he’s taking baby steps Of course mommy forgot to charge the GoPro (My first time out with it! We bought it THREE years ago!! Talk about procrastinators…) so we got about 3 seconds of video when we first got into the water. It took me 5 waves before I realized that the camera was off! So we did a quick time-lapse shoot and that’s the exact timing of when Jackson decided to try standing on the surfboard for the first time! Maybe it’s because I was in the water and he felt more stable on his own? It was awesome and he kept doing it! That’s my surfer boy! #shortbutsweet #lifesswell #surferbaby #waterbaby #mauinokaoi