The Maiden Voyage!

hobie cat maiden voyage

My hubby got us a Hobie Cat tandem sailing kayak catamaran boat – I’m not sure what to call it exactly lol – for my birthday. One of my New Year’s Resolutions for this year was to start new family traditions, so the gift was really the gift of a new tradition. So sweet, yeah? :) Love him.


Life gets busy though and it’s been nearly 6 months since we got it. We still had not taken it out! …Until today.


Seriously, what took us so long?! It was EPIC. There’s nothing like being on the ocean with your family – enjoying the spectacular sights, listening to the elements around you, watching the ocean life beneath you, feeling the sun & salt spray on your skin, and if you’re Jackson, even tasting the salty sweetness of the sea.


I shot some video on my (ancient original Hero) GoPro… need an upgrade I suppose! lol … but you’ll get the gist. We are so lucky we live in paradise! #lifesswell





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